
KR Analytical Limited



When fast and accurate results are key to a successful forensic analysis, the ASAP® probe coupled with accurate mass instruments is an invaluable tool. For prosecutors, the unambiguous rapid analysis of seized drugs can lead to successful prosecutions. ASAP® can reduce workflows by pre-screening seized compounds and improving analysts' productivity.

Here is an applications note from M&M Mass Spec Consulting LLC showing the detection of some common street drugs, 'Detection of Drugs on Currency'.

Urine - a complex matrix - is often difficult to analyse by mass spectrometry. The application note from M&M Mass Spec Consulting LLC, 'Analysis of Drugs in Urine', shows an OTC drug being detected in raw urine by ASAP®.

Urine sample for testing


SICRIT® can be used as a means of detecting chemical warfare agents (CWA). Since the source can sample from the atmosphere it is ideal for being field deployable - eliminating the need for chromatographic separation and giving instant results. See the application note from Plasmion by clicking  here.